Saturday, October 6, 2012

Grandmothers Choice - Week 5

Fair warning!  If you have liquid in your mouth, swallow.  Probably should go to the bathroom first before reading further.  This post may cause an outburst of laughter.

I was so proud of myself making Week 5 block.  I printed off foundation templates, cut my fabric pieces and proceeded to put the block together.  WooHoo!  Done...wait...that doesn't look right.  Measure...too small.  Hmmm.  Ok, I can put a border around it to get to the right size.  WooHoo!  Done...wait, that still doesn't look right.  Go back to the computer and look at the Week 5 block.  Look at my block...WHAAAAT the........???????'s what the block is supposed to look like.
Grandmothers Choice-Week 5
This was rotary cut and a template was used for the green squares.  This was not an easy block!!  Very difficult to figure out how to sew it together.  Remember it's an 8.5 inch block.  Tiny triangles, strips cut 1-1/8 inch wide....hence the reason I wanted to paper piece.

Ok, no more waiting.  Did you swallow?  Gone to the bathroom?

Here's what I ended up with when I paper pieced this block.
Week 5-Oops!
Apparently, I did something wrong....ya think?????

Keep on Stitchin'!

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